Saturday, April 28, 2007

Another trip to the Zoo!

I'm way behind on posts, but a few weeks ago Andrew, Sam and I joined our friends Ashley and Gabe for a trip to Hogle Zoo. I hadn't been in years, but it was just as fun as I remembered, but somehow a lot smaller.

Sam and Gabe got up close and personal with many of the animals. Sam really enjoys seeing them. He squeals and points and sometimes it is difficult to tear him away.

The spotted leopard was napping right at this window. The little girl next to the boys kept saying, "nice kitty, kittycat". I didn't tell her that the nice kitty would eat her up in a second if it had the chance.

The elephants were huge and really neat to see.

This looks like one sad giraffe.

They were so tall and gentle. They came right up to the fence. Gabe was within inches of him.

The two amigos and their matching strollers.
This image prompted Ashley and I to recall an experience we had not too long ago. We were pretty much one anothers shadows in high school. Always together. At Christmas time we were together at the Festival of Trees (for like the first time in two months) and ran into a guy we went to high school with. There he is telling us about his grown up job as a pilot and all the while we were both thinking, "Yep, he totally thinks we have done nothing since high school, but hang out together every day and lead identical lives everlinked to each other." It was a little pathetic, but mostly untrue. And even if it is true, I like Ashley. So there.

Here's Sam trying to grab the camera. He had a great day.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

When we got home from Costco the other day I went into the kitchen to put away a few things and when I came back Sam was precariously checking out the rest of the purchases. I just can't get over how he is growing up so fast. He is so much happier now that he can get around more independently.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

We spent Easter weekend in Idaho Falls. On Saturday we went to the zoo. I thought it would be a nice walk, but I didn't think Sam would be that interested. Turns out he had a ball. He loves to look at the animals.
Sam and Aunt Lindsey with the camels.

Sam in the children's petting zoo with the donkeys.

The monkeys were the funniest. These monkeys came right up to the window and visited with Sam. He thought they were very interesting.

We saw the lions and leopards, but Sam loved the tigers. I literally couldn't tear him away.
He watched and watched and talked to them.
He was a little nervous of this tiger at first, but warmed up to it right away. He even took a ride on it.
We had a great Easter!

Sammy is too cool for school.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Sam and his cousin Madison got to hang out a couple of weeks ago when Chris and Lindsay were in Provo visiting. It is so fun to see these two together because they are so close in age. They are getting so big. Follow the link to Chris and Lindsay's page to see a photo of the two babies when they were about 6 weeks old.