Monday, October 23, 2006

Sam surfs the net with Uncle Pablo

He's getting pretty good at sitting up. He needs a little help, but he very much prefers sitting. Isn't he so cute? He's such a happy boy.

It's Super Sammy. He does this all the time. We think it's funny.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Caught in the act. Sammy's a thumb chewer, much to Daniel's dismay.

Some days it's just all too much.

Playing with Grandpa Hobbs and Gus in Idaho this weekend.

Sam is very popular with the cousins.

Napping with Aunt Lindsey

Monday, October 02, 2006

Sam's uncle Jeris likes to babysit, but watching him dress Sammy is pretty hilarious. I tried to convince him that it is easier to put things on over the head rather than trying to slide them up his legs. Good thing Sam is patient.