Thursday, September 25, 2008

High School Tag

I've always said that High School was okay, but that I really loved college. I think that after answering these questions I've realized why. I was super lame in High School.

1 Did you date someone from your school? Certainly not.
2 What kind of car did you drive? The big yellow bus. Oh, you mean the 3 times a month I was allowed to drive myself? A silver minivan. Awesome.
3 Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try? Yes, but I got a 3 month restriction for signaling too soon on a right turn. Our Driver's Ed teacher was a misogynist.
4 Were you a party animal? Not really. I've always been more of a small group person. I hate loud parties (especially dances.)
5 Were you considered a flirt? Pretty sure I wasn't.
6 Were you in a band, orchestra or choir? No, but I've always dreamed of having a good singing voice.
7 Were you a nerd? Obviously, and it's becoming more and more apparent the more questions I answer. (But my 17 year-old ego still imagines that I was cool.)
8 Were you on any varsity teams? Nope. I was a loser!
9 Did you get suspended or expelled? No. Again, can you say Mary Sue?
10 Can you still sing the fight song? Kind of, but the tune gets mixed up with the Cougar fight song. I still remember, "Hillcrest Knights! Show your might!"
11 Who were your favorite teachers? Mr. Kittle, Mrs. Bybee, Mr. Anderson.
12 Where did you sit during lunch? Hallways, or out to Albertson's for the "usual" (samples).
13 What's your school's full name? Hillcrest High School
14 What was your mascot and colors? Knight. Red Black and White.
15 Did you go to homecoming? I think so? I was anti-dance and anti-official-dates, so it's hard to remember, but I'm pretty sure I did at least once.
16 If you could go back and do it all again, would you? Yeah. There were lots of moron, lame stuff I did, that I would glam up the second time around.
17 What do you remember most about graduation? Meeting people I had never spoken to before and figuring out that they were kind of awesome and that I maybe should have branched out a little. And a weird 30 minutes at the end of the Senior all-nighter that I spent arm in arm with some dude whose name I can't remember and who I'm pretty sure I had never really spent any time with before and never saw again. I think we were just exhaustedly holding each other up during the prize drawing.
18 Where did you go on your Senior Skip Day? Which one?
19 Were you in any clubs? Health Occupations Students of America, but that was required with the Health Occ. Class. And I went to one Key Club meeting, got elected to some little office and never went back.
20 Have you gained some weight since then? Unfortunately. I just keep getting bigger and better.
21 Who was your prom date? I think our big dances were Homecoming and Commencement. Did we have Prom? I really do think I went to Senior Commencement, but I cannot think of who I went with. Ash, do you know?
22 Are you planning to go to your 10 year reunion? Been there, did that and it was actually pretty enjoyable. I can't believe how many people I recognized, but couldn't think of names. My parents told me that someday that would happen, and now I know how it is.
23 Did you have a job while in high school? Night Manager, Papa Kelsey's. Didn't love the job, but made some really good friends (and some friends who turned out to be felons. Go figure.)

I tag my high school friends (Ashley, Emily, Maria, Debby and anyone else who reads this.) And I think everyone else should do it too so you can show me how much cooler you were. It's okay. I can handle it. I'm the coolest now.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I'm so Proud of this Child

Because I'm a nurse, I got a free ticket in the mail to "Bodyworlds III". It is an exhibition of real human bodies displayed and posed to show how incredible they are. Having been a TA in a cadaver lab and with my current occupation, you might guess that I am super excited about this and cannot wait to go.

There have been a lot of commercials on TV for this lately and the first time Sam saw it he got a look of horror on his face and said, "That scares me! It's yucky!". I had to give him credit for an instinctual response. Lately, though, when the commercial comes on he says, "Mom. I wanna go see that. I wanna go there." (Which is the same thing he says when the Disneyland commercial comes on.)
That's momma's boy.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Tia Gloria

Daniel's Aunt Gloria came for a visit from Peru last week. We had a great time. I really love this lady, she is awesome. We were so sorry to see her go. We did lots of fun things.

We went to Peach Days in Brigham City.

We hiked up to Timapanogos Cave.

We did lots of shopping and eating yummy food. We wish that we could spend more time with Daniel's family in Peru. We love and miss them all.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm Wondering What this Says about Me

This post is a really long personal commentary all about me. Things you probably didn't know and will probably wish you still didn't if you choose to read the whole thing.

I'm not extremely superstitious, but recent events have got me thinking.
I have a firm belief in fortune cookies. When Daniel asked me to marry him he did it through a message on a plate at a Chinese restaurant. The fortune cookies that came on the plate told me to "Say yes to an important decision" and "Any doubts you may have will be resolved by the end of the month". So yeah, pretty fortuitous right?
However, the last several fortunes I've received have been a little less than positive. Less fortune than dire warning. Along the lines of: Tonight is a good night to remain indoors; Beware of those you think you trust; etc. I'm not sure what to make of this.
For your enjoyment I've linked to a Collection of weird fortunes.

Also, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic. You see, I always know if I'm going to win something. I just get a gut feeling right before winners are announced in a contest or drawing and I know if I won.

Examples: 2nd Grade Essay Contest--I knew I'd won from the moment the school secretary walked into the classroom to tell my teacher.
Local Library Contest--You had to guess how many candies were in the jar. At the summer reading culmination party they announced the winners. I knew it was me, but then as the read the name: And the winner is Jenna Hobbs, tragedy struck. Another girl, named Jenny Hobbs, stood up and took my prize.
History Fair--Every year I just had that gut feeling just before they announced the winners for the place I'd won. 4th place the first year, 1st place another year. I just knew.

Well, after many years of similar experiences I decided to test my theory. I'm thinking that maybe I just always think I'm going to win and if I do I think "I knew it" and if I don't then I just ignore it. So, at a recent staff meeting they had a drawing for a stupid candy bar. I had that I'm going to win it feeling again. Well, they drew the name and it wasn't me. Okay, so I'm realizing that maybe I'm not psychic after all, but then...The guy who won it said he didn't want it, so they drew another name, MINE! I WON, I WON, I WON! AND I KNEW IT!
So, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic.