Saturday, September 08, 2007

Game Day Before...

...(Doesn't he look so big in his jersey!)...

...and After

He's either very disappointed by BYU's loss to UCLA or bearing his testimony. He likes to wear Daniel's missionary name tag.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Happy Birthday Daniel!

It was Daniel's birthday on Wednesday. We went to PF Changs to celebrate with Daniel's brothers (Israel and Pablo), Israel's wife Melissa, and Jeris and Suzanna.

Blowing out the candle.

Sam loves to show off his belly button. Can you blame him? It's awfully cute.

The Gonzalez boys.

Jeris and Suz

Israel and Melissa

Sammy believes in cleanliness.

He loves to sweep and mop the floors.

I submit this as evidence that he has seen this done.

He loves to throw things away (i.e. Daniel's shoes), and then un-throw things away. I am constantly finding garbage strewn about and things that don't belong in the garbage thrown away. One afternoon he dragged the kitchen garbage bag out of the can and down the hallway to the back door. He wanted to take it out to the big garbage can.

Then after a hard days work he climbed into the bathtub and scrubbed himself. Now that's a kid committed to clean.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Last of the Peru Pics

These are the last of our pictures from Peru. We have a lot more pictures from the first half of the trip. We got way behind on picture taking. This is at the Temple of the Sun at some ruins just outside of Lima. There were several cultures that built this city of worship over many many years. The Incas were the last group here. This is Daniel, Sam, Jenna, Carlos and Judy.

This is inside the Temple of the Mamacuna. It is a temple dedicated to women. Young virgins were selected from the people (mostly from nobility) and taken to this temple to be raised by priestesses to either be wives for nobility or sacrifices to the sun god. It was really interesting.

The architecture is really amazing. There was a lot of symbolism in the building.

I saw this dog at the ruins and I thought at first it was diseased, but it turns out that it is just a super ugly breed of hairless Peruvian dog. All the dogs I saw in Peru that weren't strays were dressed up.
These are friends of Daniel's from high school.