Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Three years ago we went to see Thomas at Heber Valley Railroad.

Sam saw the ads this year and was so excited to go.

We enrolled Sam in a Spanish class at his school. He wasn't very excited about it. He told us that Sir Topham Hatt (a character from Thomas) wouldn't let him ride Thomas if he took Spanish. Daniel told him that his dad wouldn't let him ride Thomas if he didn't, so he would just have to take his chances with Sir Topham Hatt. As you can see it all worked out and Sam has doubled his Spanish vocabulary.

Monday, June 07, 2010

Purple Jaguars

Sam had a successful spring soccer season. He averaged 2 goals a game and found that he is a great defender. He had an awesome time and is excited for this fall.
Of course three-year-old soccer is thrilling and full of well executed plays...
...and is also ripe with head trauma...
...inspection of various wounds...
...and temper tantrum time outs.
In the end everyone gets a medal it's smiles all around.

Sunday, June 06, 2010

Miss Juno

We became dog owners in November of last year. It was completely my idea and I was out of my mind. The first seven months were awful. She is a very dominant dog and ignored me completely (that is when she wasn't biting my hands and feet). We read everything Cesar Milan has ever published, we hired a professional trainer (who never showed up), we did puppy classes, we tried spraying her with water, we tried an air horn (and only damaged our own hearing). I was way ready to find her a nice farm to live at. And then we applied the shock collar. It is heaven. She is so good now that I am staring to finally like her. It may all work out after all.
I was talking to my Dad about the shock collar and said something to the effect of "Don't use the s-h-o-c-k word. We're trying to keep how it works a secret from someone."
Sam piped up, "Mom, someone already knows how it works. It's me!"
He is not, however, allowed to use the remote.

I wish now that I had been able to enjoy her more when she was little. She was so cute. This picture is her at 8 weeks, the day we brought her home.
About 12 weeks
Juno's crate comes in handy for controlling Sam as well.
Sam loves Juno and she puts up with a lot from him.
Juno at about 6 months

Juno at about 7 months
And now a test. Is this the same dog?The short answer is yes.
In May I took her to be groomed. I wanted her cut short, but I didn't expect her to be shaved.

I couldn't believe it was the same dog. She looks so much smaller. It's starting to grow out a little now. I was actually pretty sad. She was so pretty and now she is bald.
It's appropriate though that she has a new look to go with her new attitude.
Hopefully she'll grow out pretty again and stay likable.