Sammy believes in cleanliness.

He loves to sweep and mop the floors.

I submit this as evidence that he has seen this done.

He loves to throw things away (i.e. Daniel's shoes), and then un-throw things away. I am constantly finding garbage strewn about and things that don't belong in the garbage thrown away. One afternoon he dragged the kitchen garbage bag out of the can and down the hallway to the back door. He wanted to take it out to the big garbage can.

Then after a hard days work he climbed into the bathtub and scrubbed himself. Now that's a kid committed to clean.
Did he climb in the bathtub all by himself? He looks so cute!
Yes, he climbed in by himself. Usually he will entertain himself while I shower, but while I was rinsing my hair I heard a big thud and there he was. He is becoming a real climber. I caught him scaling the kitchen chair yesterday.
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