Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I'm a Dancing Girl

Whenever I get dressed up in a skirt or dress Sam always says, "Wow Mom! You're a dancing girl!"
I'm not sure where he got that.
I can't help but think of those dancing girls when he says it and it makes me a little uncomfortable, and then I get the giggles.

Sam calls the place I work "The College".
I think that is because one time when we were driving past, Daniel asked me if it felt weird to work just a few blocks from where I went to college. (It doesn't feel weird.)
Whenever Sam sees the logo on billboards or commercials he says, "Look Mom, it's your work. It's your college." Today a commercial for Provo College came on. Sam told me, "I don't want to go to Provo College. I'm going to go to your college."

Sunday, March 01, 2009


I'm serious this time ya'll.
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