Saturday, May 10, 2008

Travel Bug

I am in the mood to travel. I want to go somewhere new, interesting and far far away...or even close by. I don't care I just wanna go. There is a lot of the world and this country that I have never seen. Now all I need is a lot of money and a nanny ('cause really, who wants to travel with a toddler) and did I mention the money?

create your own visited country map
or check our Venice travel guide

create your own personalized map of the USA
or check out ourCalifornia travel guide


Natalie said...

Jenna! I stalked you from Debby's blog :) I don't think I've seen you since right after you got married (or right before... i don't remember) How are you guys doing? Your little guy is so cute!!

Sarah Orme said...

come and visit me! We can get discount tickets every night and you can sleep in my room-or in a hostel with us when we travel. come know you want to!

Allison said...

ok, this isn't a tough should come visit us!! And there are many reasons why: #1 you have never been to Texas, according to your map #2 I don't think Sam remembers Elaina and I think they would become great friends fast! #3 It is hot here in the summer, and what you need is a warm weather vacation #4 We're 3 hours from the beach (Galveston) and we both know you're wanting to just relax in the sun and get a tan! #5 I miss you and it's been way way to long!!! Just let me know when to expect you! :)