In Honor of Those Who do this EVERY DAY all summer long: We Cub Scout Salute You
So we spent the day at Webelo's camp. My first thought is that whatever they pay the poor teens who work as staff at this camp is far too little. This is very likely the world's worst job.
Furthermore, my mom used to say that 10 was the golden age for boys. I do not believe her.
In addition, I have decided I am not a scouting kind of person. I may not even be an outdoor kind of person.
Here is the dialogue that took place countless times today.
Webelo: Can I do this?
Me: No. We need to be doing such and such right now.
Webelo: But I'm just gonna do it really fast, okay?
Me: No, and besides that is kind of dangerous.
Webelo: I'm just gonna do it for a second though.
Me: NO.
Webelo: Come on, please?
Me: I'm saying no, and it is time for this activity right now, so let's do that instead.
Webelo: Okay.
five seconds later
Me: What are you doing? I told you not to do that.
I had told the boys that at the end of the day Daniel and I would treat them to ice cream bars. Hence this conversation.
Webelo: How much do ice cream bars cost?
Me: I don't know. Don't worry about it. It's our treat.
Webelo: But how much do you think they cost?
Me: I'm really not sure. Probably about $1.50.
Webelo: Oh, well the pocket knives are only $2.50.
Me: Huh, well, we're getting ice cream.
Webelo: I'll just take the money and put it toward the pocket knife.
Me: That's really not an option.
Webelo: Why not?
Me: For two reasons. First I am not going to let you buy a pocket knife without your parent's permission. And second, when someone offers you something it really isn't polite to request the cash value instead.
Webelo: Well that's stupid.
I couldn't believe it! That little stinker was mad at me for the next two activities. He did finally get over it though. I, on the other hand, am still a little mad.
On the positive:
I returned home with a greater appreciation for my little terrible two-year-old.
(And a greater dread for his cub scouting years. I will kill him if he ever asks someone for cash in lieu of a gift.)
We won first place for distance in the catapult competition. Daniel is especially proud of this. The boys "built" the catapult last week and Daniel spent a few hours this morning tweaking it. It throws a tennis ball a good 75 feet.
There is a rumor that we're going to be released so that I can be called as a nursery leader. Yes, even that would be a welcome change as there is a definite lack of goodwill around here.
Law of the Pack
The Cub Scout follows Akela.
The Cub Scout helps the Pack go.
The Pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.