Sunday, October 31, 2010


We went to the State Fair this year and had a great time. We ate and ate and ate and looked at every animal and booth and exhibit. We even rode a few rides despite my distrust of traveling amusement parks and their employees (who I'm sure are upstanding citizens. I've got a great example for you one of these days.)

The whole time we were there Sam kept begging me to let him do this bungee trampoline contraption that allowed you to jump about three stories high. I told him it was too scary. I told him he wouldn't like it. I told him he could do it when he was older. I told him I'd buy him another caramel apple instead. He begged and begged and begged until I was sick of it and he wore me down. I told him fine, if he wanted to so bad then go for it.

He did great until they buckled him into the harness. Then he turned pale. His lips started to quiver. Tears welled up in his eyes and he begged me to get him down. I, the sympathetic mother said, "No freaking way Sam. You have been begging me to do this for three hours. I've paid seven dollars and you are going to jump as high as you can and if you pee your pants I'll kill you."

He jumped.
His pants stayed dry.
And he loved it.

He was so proud of himself and wants to go back next year and jump higher.


cassi said...

Wow! What a brave boy!

You crack me up Jenna. I wish we lived closer!

Challis said...

I think you most definately should write a book on parenting. One chapter could be about how if bribing your child with food doesn't work, threaten to kill them if they pee their pants instead. I think it'd be a hit. I know I'd buy it (actually I could probably co-author it).

Ashleey Rayback said...

I'm glad to know I'm not the only mother who parents with threats. :)