Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So Bugged!

We just got home from my new favorite treat place Hello Yogurt!
The idea is that you self-serve your frozen yogurt and toppings and then pay by the ounce. They provide sample cups so you can try all the yummy flavors.
Daniel and I watched a woman come in with two girls (I'm assuming daughters) and then were disgusted by her example. This Lexus driving, mani-pedi waving, designer duds wearing, $150 dollar haircut flaunting woman proceeded to overfill about 10 sample cups, sit herself down on the couch and eat them. I wish I could say I was shocked by her behavior, but really I was just super annoyed. Here all the rest of us sampled, decided, and payed and she...I'm out of words. Who does that!
And then on her way out she surveyed the toppings bar very carefully and then picked out a few pieces of candy and LEFT!


Summer said...

i read this outloud to a co-worker because your description of what happened was so funny! love the use of adjectives ;-) and yes, people with these habits drive me nuts too...and there are a lot of them here near DC!

cassi said...

Oh that is so funny!

Camille said...

Yeah, don't even get me started... no, really!

MindySue said...

okay, i'll admit it...i was COMPLETELY snooping on your blog. Hmmmmm. Let's see what Jenna's up to and I had to...just HAD to respond to this post. What a complete freak! You just know she does it all the time too. If I worked there I would kick her out. What a horrible example to set for her kids!

Jenna and Daniel said...

I'm so glad you stopped by. I keep hearing awesome things about your blog from Ashley and Emily, but I'm not invited. Please let me in! I love being able to keep up with people.