I'm Wondering What this Says about Me
This post is a really long personal commentary all about me. Things you probably didn't know and will probably wish you still didn't if you choose to read the whole thing.

I'm not extremely superstitious, but recent events have got me thinking.
I have a firm belief in fortune cookies. When Daniel asked me to marry him he did it through a message on a plate at a Chinese restaurant. The fortune cookies that came on the plate told me to "Say yes to an important decision" and "Any doubts you may have will be resolved by the end of the month". So yeah, pretty fortuitous right?
However, the last several fortunes I've received have been a little less than positive. Less fortune than dire warning. Along the lines of: Tonight is a good night to remain indoors; Beware of those you think you trust; etc. I'm not sure what to make of this.
For your enjoyment I've linked to a Collection of weird fortunes.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic. You see, I always know if I'm going to win something. I just get a gut feeling right before winners are announced in a contest or drawing and I know if I won.
Examples: 2nd Grade Essay Contest--I knew I'd won from the moment the school secretary walked into the classroom to tell my teacher.
Local Library Contest--You had to guess how many candies were in the jar. At the summer reading culmination party they announced the winners. I knew it was me, but then as the read the name: And the winner is Jenna Hobbs, tragedy struck. Another girl, named Jenny Hobbs, stood up and took my prize.
History Fair--Every year I just had that gut feeling just before they announced the winners for the place I'd won. 4th place the first year, 1st place another year. I just knew.
Well, after many years of similar experiences I decided to test my theory. I'm thinking that maybe I just always think I'm going to win and if I do I think "I knew it" and if I don't then I just ignore it. So, at a recent staff meeting they had a drawing for a stupid candy bar. I had that I'm going to win it feeling again. Well, they drew the name and it wasn't me. Okay, so I'm realizing that maybe I'm not psychic after all, but then...The guy who won it said he didn't want it, so they drew another name, MINE! I WON, I WON, I WON! AND I KNEW IT!
So, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic.
This post is a really long personal commentary all about me. Things you probably didn't know and will probably wish you still didn't if you choose to read the whole thing.

I'm not extremely superstitious, but recent events have got me thinking.
I have a firm belief in fortune cookies. When Daniel asked me to marry him he did it through a message on a plate at a Chinese restaurant. The fortune cookies that came on the plate told me to "Say yes to an important decision" and "Any doubts you may have will be resolved by the end of the month". So yeah, pretty fortuitous right?
However, the last several fortunes I've received have been a little less than positive. Less fortune than dire warning. Along the lines of: Tonight is a good night to remain indoors; Beware of those you think you trust; etc. I'm not sure what to make of this.
For your enjoyment I've linked to a Collection of weird fortunes.
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic. You see, I always know if I'm going to win something. I just get a gut feeling right before winners are announced in a contest or drawing and I know if I won.
Examples: 2nd Grade Essay Contest--I knew I'd won from the moment the school secretary walked into the classroom to tell my teacher.
Local Library Contest--You had to guess how many candies were in the jar. At the summer reading culmination party they announced the winners. I knew it was me, but then as the read the name: And the winner is Jenna Hobbs, tragedy struck. Another girl, named Jenny Hobbs, stood up and took my prize.
History Fair--Every year I just had that gut feeling just before they announced the winners for the place I'd won. 4th place the first year, 1st place another year. I just knew.
Well, after many years of similar experiences I decided to test my theory. I'm thinking that maybe I just always think I'm going to win and if I do I think "I knew it" and if I don't then I just ignore it. So, at a recent staff meeting they had a drawing for a stupid candy bar. I had that I'm going to win it feeling again. Well, they drew the name and it wasn't me. Okay, so I'm realizing that maybe I'm not psychic after all, but then...The guy who won it said he didn't want it, so they drew another name, MINE! I WON, I WON, I WON! AND I KNEW IT!
So, I'm pretty sure I'm psychic.
All I can say is that I HOPE you're psychic because I have lot's of questions I'm just dying to know the answers to. I assume you don't charge family right?
I wish I could say I had your same "talent." The only psychic ability I have is that I know to do exactly opposite of what my gut tells me too. I have the worst instincts in the world, thus my need for you to be psychic and help me out!! Of course, if you are really gonna make a go of this whole thing, you have to come up with a cool name for yourself like Crystal Star Fairwinds or something like that.
I didn't know that you believe in fortunes. I totally do, too! I always keep mine and I put a date on the back of the really good ones and keep them in my jewelry box. :-)
I vote "yes, she's psychic." Well, actually, there is this great power we possess in positive thinking. You could come up and hear the whole discourse, I'll just leave it at that, though. ;) About the tickets... if there are any left. My cousin's husband is going and I could check again to be sure, but the price I heard was $30-35 for General Admission. Louis has no desire to go. I could try and find Daniel a ticket and then you and Tressa could come here and play with me, unless you'd like a ticket, too.
You are amazing!
On one of our first dates, Nick and I went to PF Changs and my fortune said that I (okay, or a friend) would be married within a year - okay so I was engaged in a year not quite married, but still- it's almost as though the fortune came true! (and Nick's that night said he would find love- hello! and he did!).
And I can't believe a Jenny Hobbs stole your prize!
My fortunes came from PF Chang's too! They must be dead on over there, or see a lot of BYU students dating.
I'm a big fortune-cookie-guy. It started when I was still kicking the inside of my mother, who got a cookie that said, (I swear I am not making this up), "It's a boy." And I WAS! (Still am...)
I LOVE fortunes that actually tell you something, but sometimes they are like "wisdom cookies." I hate those. I don't want a cookie that says, "Friends are like flowers that color our lives and make the room smell fresh." I want a cookie that says, "A Tibetan midget in a hat will hand you a bag with a lot of money in it. Tonight. Watch for him." THAT's the cookie I want.
So I'm thinking that you, as the psychic person, could tell me when to go to PF Changs (and which one...there are bunches) so that I can be sure and get the cookie that is mine. Hook me up, Crystal Fairywind Rosewater (aka Jenna).
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