I'm so Proud of this Child
Because I'm a nurse, I got a free ticket in the mail to "Bodyworlds III". It is an exhibition of real human bodies displayed and posed to show how incredible they are. Having been a TA in a cadaver lab and with my current occupation, you might guess that I am super excited about this and cannot wait to go.

There have been a lot of commercials on TV for this lately and the first time Sam saw it he got a look of horror on his face and said, "That scares me! It's yucky!". I had to give him credit for an instinctual response. Lately, though, when the commercial comes on he says, "Mom. I wanna go see that. I wanna go there." (Which is the same thing he says when the Disneyland commercial comes on.)
That's momma's boy.
Hi Jenna! It's Lindsey's little friend, Kira! How fun I'm so excited you guys have a blog I love finding new blogs to read!! Sam is getting so big and SO cute! How are you guys doing?? Feel free to check out our blog!
Jenna, that IS gross!!! Mike would find it fascinating too though. He read a book a few years ago that you would love - it's called "Stiff" and is about the different uses of bodies in science. He thought it was fascinating! Here's the Amazon link: www.amazon.com/Stiff-Curious-Lives-Human-Cadavers/dp/0393050939. I hope you and Sam enjoy the Body Worlds exhibit! :)
THat is so funny! I don't think I could go to Bodywolrds, but I'm sure you would enjoy it (as would Nick!) - and apparantly Sam! He sounds like such a cutie- can't wait to see him come Christmas time!
Hey Jenna, You should let us know when you're going because I've been dying to go to that exhibit! (Actually, the Bodies traveling exhibit, but I'm sure this one is really similar).
Jenna, though I am not sure how I would handle actually being in front of all that, I do see people's facination with the working of the human body. I have two nurses and a doctor in my immediate family and attending this exhibit is as fun to them as going to the fair or out to a movie! :)
It is fun for Mario and I to check up on your families going-ons in the blogging world. We hope to get to see you all in a couple months at abuelita's birthday fiesta!
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