Thursday, October 30, 2008

Just For Uncle Paul
'cause we all know what happens when someone double-dog-dares me

8 Things

8 TV shows I love to watch
  1. The Office
  2. The Biggest Loser (while eating snacks)
  3. What Not to Wear
  4. Jon and Kate plus 8 (makes me grateful for my life)
  5. Lost
Okay, sorry, I'm out. It's not that I don't watch a lot of TV, I'll watch whatever is on. I just don't have that many must see shows.

8 Favorite Restaurants
No worries; I've got this one covered.
  1. Ottavio's
  2. El Azteca
  3. Cafe Rio
  4. Kneaders
  5. La Carretta
  6. Olive Garden
  7. Texas Roadhouse
  8. Puerto Vallarta
  9. Ruby River
  10. ...What? You only wanted 8? But I've got more. No Thanks? Okay.

8 Things that happened yesterday
  1. Pumpkin Patch field trip (Where Sam got teased by some Kindergartners about his Halloween costume. These rotten little boys called him a "stupid pirate" and asked "Where's your stupid bird, stupid pirate?" Sam had no clue and was all like, "whatevs", but I went all Momma Bear on them with, "No you di'n't. Aw snap. Use your nice words." I showed those 5 year-olds.
  2. Sam took a too short nap and I tried to join him, but couldn't sleep
  3. Had my yearly evaluation at work
  4. Planned what to make for dinner
  5. Decided it involved a trip to the grocery store
  6. Planned where to eat out instead
  7. Went to the church Halloween carnival where there were several pirates, but none as cute as Sam and none had a parrot. So there, Kinderbabies! (Why am I still kind of bothered by them?)
  8. Daniel and I listened to our Camry make a coughing death-like rattle and decided I would take it to the mechanic in the morning. Which I did today.
***Sidenote Alert*** I don't really trust mechanics. First off they treat me like an idiot. Granted, I don't know how to "pop my hood", I can't say with complete certainty what year my car is, and I don't know the mileage off the top of my head, but I can tell when I'm being talked down to, I do know where the serpentine belt is, I know the difference between a timing belt and a timing chain, and I'm pretty sure I could tell if someone was completely making up the name of an engine part (which a mechanic tried to do to me a few years ago), and I know for sure that this noise isn't my tires.

Me: My car is making a funny noise. It's coming from under the hood and I'm thinking it might be related to this belt because it gets faster when I accelerate.
Skinny Dude: (Rolling his eyes at the other guys at the counter). I'll come check it out. (Walking outside.) It's probably your tires.
Me: I don't think so. It's coming from under the hood.
Skinny Dude: You probably don't do a lot of work under the hood, do you.

So then he takes it back for a "diagnostic" and comes out to tell me that my 2 and a half year old Honda (it's a Toyota, skinny dude) has a broken water pump and that if I try to drive it out of the parking lot it's "gonna seize up" on me. And that it will cost $271.oo-331.00. I think this guy is a moron and using all kinds of technical jargon (BS) to prove that he knows more than me. I'm just about to call him on it when "Butch" walks into the room.

Butch: You the one with the Toyota?
Me: Yeah.
Butch: The bearings are out on the water pump. It's a pretty new car, so you should call Toyota and check on your warranty. It's probably covered.
Me: Thanks. Am I okay to drive it home?
Butch: Oh yeah, just don't take it too fast and get it fixed soon.

Butch is dressed in a jumpsuit and is head-to-toe grease and I am immediately relieved. Turns out skinny dude is basically just a receptionist. I hope he doesn't do a lot of work under the hood.

8 Things I'm looking forward to
  1. My Birthday
  2. Christmas
  3. Going home for Christmas
  4. The Office tonight
  5. A walk to the park this afternoon
  6. Someday moving out of this house
  7. Daniel coming home from work
  8. Sam's bedtime
8 Things on my wish list
  1. new shoes
  2. more money
  3. warm weather
  4. finished house
  5. sold house
  6. new house
  7. a free fixed car
  8. housekeeper

8 Tidbits about me
Oh come on! Isn't this entire blog about me.

8 Pet Peeves
  1. People who break rules
  2. Mechanics who lie and treat me like I'm stupid
  3. The sound of Styrofoam. Just thinking about it squiks me out.
  4. People who tell me before I've even poked them: "I'm a really hard stick", "I have bad veins", "you'll have to use the baby needle on me", "I want the doctor (manager, charge nurse) to do my IV" etc. Just so you know, telling the nurse how to do his/her job pretty much guarantees you an uncomfortable venipuncture experience. And by the way, the doctor hasn't done an IV since med school and I've probably done 10 just today, so chew on that.
  5. People who come to the ER for really minor things (example:chapped lips. No, really.) or for a cold they've had for 2-3 days. Seriously? You decided it was an EMERGENCY right now? At 11:30 PM.? Why not earlier today, WHEN YOUR DOCTOR'S OFFICE WAS OPEN!
  6. Reruns
  7. My neighbor's chimney which blows smoke directly at my house. WHY?
  8. Children unrestrained in a vehicle
Wow! That was a lot of work. I may not be able to blog again for at least a few days. How will you all go on without me.

Witches Night Out

Last Friday I went to the Witches Festival at Gardner Village with my friends Emily and Ashley and Ashley's mom. We ate yummy food, window shopped, danced and generally had a festive time. We did miss out on the palm reading (which was a huge disappointment for me) but there's always next year.
I stole this picture from Emily's blog because I am too lazy to download my own pictures.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ridin' the Potty Train

Sam listened to a few conversations last week at my parent's house in Idaho about potty training. Friday morning he woke up and told me, "I want to ride the potty train."
Alright, all aboard...again.
Every so often Sam decides to pee on the potty. He does it for a day or two and then refuses to even think about it after that. So, Friday all day he peed on the potty, he wore big boy underwear and kept them dry, and then I left for "witches night out" (another story). While I was gone Sam peed on the floor twice and has been in diapers ever since. We're going to try again Monday morning. This potty train is sure a long uncomfortable ride.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Things that Make Me Smile

Some of the things Sammy does just crack us up. Many of the things he does make us crazy, but later we can usually smile about them, and then there are the things that are kind of cute now, but won't be in a few years.

Sam came into the kitchen tonight while I was cleaning up dinner and asked for another cookie. He had already had several so I told him no. Then he said, "Daddy say, 'bring me a cookie." I knew that was likely, so I gave him a cookie to give to Daniel. Sam came back a few minutes later and asked, "Can I have a cookie? No? Okay." Then he just walked away. Wow. He sure took that well...for about three minutes. He is currently saying, "Can I have a cookie? Sure? Yes? Please?" and is frustrated by my lack of cooperation. Oh wait, he just took the cookies to Dad and returned with one in his mouth. I see how this works.

His imagination is in full force. It is so fun to watch him play. He turns ordinary objects into the most interesting props and has captivating conversations with his imaginary pals. Throughout the day I hear, "I'm the Jazz, Mom. I'm Boozer." "Woooooo! I'm the police. Put your hands up. Get in the police car. We're going to the zoo."

He almost always shares, but I've noticed that lately with food he is very careful to give me the smaller half.

He repeats EVERYTHING. He tells me, "Just a minute please. Can you see my hands are busy?"

I'm just so amazed as I watch Sam turn into a big boy. Time is going so quickly and it seems like he changes overnight. I want to remember all the little things he does that make us realize how much he learns and grows every day.

Monday, October 06, 2008


My cousin Challis tagged me to list 6 quirks.

No. 1--Would have to be that I compulsively look up words in the dictionary (like quirk) even if I am 100% sure of the definition. I have spent hours reading dictionaries. I don't know why. I think it's boring.
No. 2--I love balsamic vinegar and have been known to drink it straight from the bottle.
No. 3--I love blood and guts and pus. I really like to incise and drain infections.
No. 4--I cannot share milk with anyone, not even with Sam. I will freely share any other food or beverage. It has to do with the viscosity of milk.
No. 5--If I start to read a novel I cannot stop until I have finished it, even if it is stupid. I will read through meals and stay up all night if necessary. This is why I have to limit myself to just a few books a year. Good thing I'm a fairly fast reader.
No. 6--I'm a very competitive walker. If I am walking alone and there are people ahead of me I will speed walk to pass them. Sometimes it is really obvious and it freaks people out, so that's embarrassing, but I still do it.
No. 7--(Wow, I didn't think I'd be able to come up with 6.) I have a phobia of birds. I hate them and have been attacked by them on more than one occasion.