Monday, October 13, 2008

Things that Make Me Smile

Some of the things Sammy does just crack us up. Many of the things he does make us crazy, but later we can usually smile about them, and then there are the things that are kind of cute now, but won't be in a few years.

Sam came into the kitchen tonight while I was cleaning up dinner and asked for another cookie. He had already had several so I told him no. Then he said, "Daddy say, 'bring me a cookie." I knew that was likely, so I gave him a cookie to give to Daniel. Sam came back a few minutes later and asked, "Can I have a cookie? No? Okay." Then he just walked away. Wow. He sure took that well...for about three minutes. He is currently saying, "Can I have a cookie? Sure? Yes? Please?" and is frustrated by my lack of cooperation. Oh wait, he just took the cookies to Dad and returned with one in his mouth. I see how this works.

His imagination is in full force. It is so fun to watch him play. He turns ordinary objects into the most interesting props and has captivating conversations with his imaginary pals. Throughout the day I hear, "I'm the Jazz, Mom. I'm Boozer." "Woooooo! I'm the police. Put your hands up. Get in the police car. We're going to the zoo."

He almost always shares, but I've noticed that lately with food he is very careful to give me the smaller half.

He repeats EVERYTHING. He tells me, "Just a minute please. Can you see my hands are busy?"

I'm just so amazed as I watch Sam turn into a big boy. Time is going so quickly and it seems like he changes overnight. I want to remember all the little things he does that make us realize how much he learns and grows every day.


Sheila and Mario said...

That is so funny! It is great when kids get to that age where they learn to use their imaginations and "problem solve" to get what they want. :) We are so excited to get to see Sam in action when we come in December:)

Allison said...

He is so cute!! I love it when you write the funny things he says! :) Don't you love it that he's *almost* starting to outsmart you?! Thank goodness he forgets a few small coming back with the cookie in his mouth! :) Still, a clever boy though!

cassi said...

I love their little imaginations!!!