Thursday, December 11, 2008

According to Sam...

  • My name is Momuel. Makes sense I guess, when you consider that Daddy is Daniel and he is Samuel.
  • He has a make-believe-friend named Robin who likes to play trains and sit in the rocking chair. Robin is a boy. Sometimes he doesn't share and has to sit in time-out.
  • We do NOT throw balls in the house when the Christmas tree is up. Also, there is a big difference between inside basketballs and outside basketballs. It was a little pathetic that he had to remind me of these rules yesterday. I break a lot of rules apparently. Luckily he always lets me know when I screw up.
  • Santa is bringing him a garbage truck, a race car, and a violin.
Anyone know where to find a toy violin for a two-year-old?


cassi said...

I love the Momuel- that totally does make sense!

I would say you are lucky in the Santa gifts- Adam told Santa he wants a cow (!) for Christmas! Huh?! Sorry he won't be getting one.

Paul said...

Momuel makes TOTAL sense! And I should know...they call me Pauluel...

But I have to say, I can't quite make sense of the garbage truck AND the violin. One or the other, but something's just not quite right about both at the same time. Garbage men are more drum guys. And I'm pretty sure Uncle Paul could hook Samuel up with drums, complete with cymbals. How cool would THAT be?

::evil grin::

Allison said...

What a cute boy!!