All Hail The Birthday King!

Sammy's first birthday was on the Fourth of July. We celebrated a few days early in Peru. Daniel's aunts threw an amazing party for Sam and we all had a lot of fun. Everyone was so kind and generous to us during our stay in Peru. We can't thank them enough.

Look at all the yummy treats. There were so many good things to eat. This is a picture of Daniel's grandmother "Tati", Tia Judy, Tia Mary, Tia Gloria, and Sam's "Abuelita".
Sam loved being the center of attention. He now expects applause for every little thing he does.

Here's Sam cutting the cake. In the picture from left to right are cousin Angela, Tia Lucy, cousin Silvana, and Tio Aldo

Sam really had a good time. He crawled on all fours for the first time and then entertained everyone with some pretty great walking. He walked to and from people for a good 45 minutes, giggling the whole time and soaking up the applause.

One of the best things about our trip was being able to spend time with Daniel's parents. They loved getting to know Sam and he loves his Abuelitos.

This is Tati and Tia Judy decorating Sam's cake.
(We have lots more pictures to post, but I thought I'd start with the birthday party.)
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