Mirabus Tour of Central Lima
I loved the colonial balconies built by the Spanish colonists. They were very jealous about their wives, so they built elaborate balconies that the women could see out of, but nobody could see into. Many are in disrepair, but there has recently been a movement to restore downtown Lima. A lot of the balconies have been adopted and restored by individuals and companies.
I am loving your Peru pictures!! They are awesome. Sam is so cute. I am so glad you have joined us back on blogger. We missed you.
Your pictures are incredible! What a fun trip! I can't believe that Sammy is 1. That blows me away! We were just in Idaho for the 4th and I was wondering where you were....now I know. I'm glad you got to have such a great trip. Your blog is so fun to look at! Thanks for sharing.
It is so fun to look at the pictures from your trip to Lima! I still hope to make it there myself...one day. I'd love to exchange e-mails so we can chat and catch up (I only have Daniel's e-mail and phone number, but he should have mine also, so check with him). Hope to hear from you soon :-)
Beautiful pictures! It brings me sweet memories.
I'm locked out of your blog. You need to list us so that we can see your pictures. If you need our information email Daniel. I like to see those cute kids.
Did you try again? You should be able to see it now.
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