Swimming in El Bosque: Day Two

The second day in El Bosque we went swimming. It was actually a really nice day, warm and sunny, but the water was FREEZING! Sam seemed to like it though.

He was really excited and splashed a lot. He only swam for about five minutes because I didn't want him to get hypothermia. I stayed in for a while and had a blast.

Daniel wasn't so brave. He never got in, but he and Sam soaked up the rays poolside.

The brave swimming babes: Jenna, Lucita, Melissa, Lucy

Sam and Abuelito Israel bonding

Here we are eating yummy lunch. So good! I miss the food.
We ate at the snack bar (which had the same menu basically as the restaurant) because it was convenient and also because we were still in our swimming suits and banned from the restaurant upstairs.
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